Our members are national organisations aiming for the promotion of the use of heating oil for domestic heating as a competitive and efficient fuel, taking care of the protection of the environment. Members are also companies or organisations which directly or indirectly support the objectives of Eurofuel.
EWO Austria
The prime task of EWO-Austria (Energie.Wärme.Österreich) is the promotion of the efficient use of liquid fuels in the Austrian domestic heating market. For this purpose it especially promotes the maintenance of existing oil heating systems as well as the development and use of renewable liquid heating fuels as future source of energy.
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In4fuels is the leading information source on sustainable liquid fuels for heating and off-road applications in Belgium.
Heating Energy Association (LEY)
The goal of Heating Energy Association (LEY) is to promote the responsible use of liquid fuels, to participate in the development of sustainable energy future and to build a framework for the profitable activity of the sector.
FF3C (French Federation of Fuels and Heating) is the organisation representative of the energy product distribution activity (heating oil / fuels / firewood).
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With two production sites, one in the U.S.A. and one in Europe (near Dijon, France), SUNTEC designs, manufactures and markets an unparalleled range of pumps and accessories for domestic and industrial burners and boilers and is the global leader in this market.
en2x – the Association of Fuels and Energy – is cooperating with its member companies towards achieving the Paris climate goals. By developing a variety of renewable energies, alternative fuels and raw materials, technologies and innovations, the industry can make crucial contributions to this transformation.
OFTEC represents the interests of liquid fuelled heating appliance, storage tank and associated equipment manufacturers in the Republic of Ireland. We work with over 90 training centres that offer education and competency assessment and manage a registration scheme for suitably qualified heating professionals. OFTEC also campaigns to raise awareness of the advantages of liquid fuels and promotes these as part of the transition to low carbon heating and cooking.
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Burners Division of Ariston Group
Thanks to its brands - Elco, Cuenod, Ecoflam, SPM Innovation and BCE - the Burners Division of Ariston Group is nowadays a worldwide leader in the development of combustion technologies burners working with any gaseous or liquid fuel.

F.I.D.A. S.r.l. (part of the Beckett family of Companies) is one of the most important European manufacturers in ignition transformers and accessories for oil and gas boilers and burners, domestic/industrial.
Avenergy Suisse
Avenergy Suisse is the association which represents the interests of the petroleum sector and its needs in Switzerland.
United States
Delavan Spray Technologies
Delavan Spray Technologies (part of the Beckett family of Companies), a manufacturer of liquid heating fuel nozzles, is a global company supplying single and two-fluid spray nozzles used in combustion appliances.
United States
NORA was authorized by the U.S. Congress in 2000 to generate funding from within the liquid heating fuel industry to provide more efficient and more reliable heat and hot water to American consumers. NORA’s focus is on Energy Efficiency, Environmental Responsibility, Safety, Research & Development and Professional Education, with particular emphasis on transitioning heating oil and its appliances to a low-carbon source of heat and hot water.