HVO - a practical, green alternative to heating oil for rural homes
Meet Mo and Sue...
Quel avenir pour le fioul domestique ?
Quel avenir pour le fioul domestique?
IDW 21 Virtual Platform (full video)
Eurofuel participates in International Downstream Week
Eurofuel NORA Conference Day 1 May 20, 2021
Eurofuel NORA Conference Day 2 May 27, 2021
Eurofuel / NORA event 2021
IWO ISH 2021 Animation Modellvorhaben
Les combustibles pauvres en carbone au service de la protection du climat
Koolstofarme brandstoffen voor klimaatbescherming
IWO field tests
German language
Let's draw a future proof heating
Dessinons le chauffage de demain
3 stappenplan koolstofarm verwarmen Eurofuel
Let's draw a future proof heating - German subtitles
Let's draw a future proof heating
EN subtitles
ISH2021 - Teaser EN
ISH2021 - Green fuels perspective for the heating market
Eurofuel contributed to ISH 2021. In the discussions about renewables, one of the focus was the role of liquid fuels. “In the light of the future: Green fuels as a Green Deal-perspective for the heating market” was the title of the event presented by IWO Germany and Eurofuel on 25 March. Some key questions were addressed: Are Green Fuels the gamechanger for the climate-neutral future of modern condensing technology? What does a boiler label “Green Fuels ready” mean for the customer?
Day 4: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel
Oilheating in the US & equipment response
Butcher - Big benefits from modernizing home heating equipment
Sabbati - Heating Equipment in Europe: Standards, Innovation & Replacement Cycles
Heating Equipment in Europe: Discussion
Marran - Domestic Heating and Hot Water in the U.S.: Game Changers
Halper - Integrating Heating Equipment: Solar & Liquid Fuels Working Together
Köb - EU Field tests
Wrap up Day 4
Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 4
Day 3: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel
Luka - Multiple Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future
Slade - Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel: Understanding Environmental Benefits
Alberdi - Biodiesel: Best Answer for the EU?
Stohr - Renewable Diesel: Only the Carbon Score Changes
Butcher/ Rogers - Cellulosic Fuels: Development in the U.S.
Böltken - From CO2 & Renewable Power to Liquid Hydrocarbons
McCormick - Future Fuels: Co-Optima
Butcher - High Biodiesel Blends: Lessons Learned, Challenges & Best Practices
Eiden - Fuel Quality Solutions
Wrap up Day 3
Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 3
Day 2: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel
Nazzaro - Biofuels: Can they answer our market
Voets - Boundary Conditions: Restrictions in the EU
Trunzo - Biofuels for Heating: Which government policies will work
Schäfer - Incentives for Low Carbon Fuels: Taxation & other tools in the EU
Wrap up Day 2
Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 2
Day 1: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel
Huber - Overview of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a lower carbon economy
Trunzo - Overview of U.S. government’s activities to achieve a lower carbon economy
Devos - Overview of the EU activities to achieve a lower-carbon eonomy
Moriarta - Multi-Dimensional decarbonization planning for residential buildings
Nourigat - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 1
Manno - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 2
Slifka - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 3
Froehlich & Simler - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 4
Weiss - Liquid fuel producers - Makers of today’s fuel—what about tomorrow? Part 5
Liquid Fuel Producers Q&A
Bellingen - Eurofuel’s Vision & Road Map
Uglietto - U.S. Heating Oil: What is the strategy?
Wrap up Day 1
Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 1
Combustibles liquides renouvelables - HVO (skip to 1s)
Field tests with HVO in Belgium
Low carbon fuels Biomass to Liquid
Low carbon fuels Biomass to Liquid
A ‘Kanaal Z’ production. Demonstration plants are already available for Biomass to Liquid process (BtL). BtL are drop in products. This means that they can be easily used in conventional liquid fuel heating systems. The benefit for the consumers is to keep their existing reliable heating system without the need for any major investment or significant changes , while contributing to the energy transition.