1st European-North American Conference on the Future of Liquid Heating Fuels
For the first time ever, the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) and the European Heating Oil Association (Eurofuel) will host a virtual conference on liquid heating fuels in a carbon constrained world.

Representatives from manufacturers of heating equipment, liquid fuels now in market, and potential fuels of the future will share their ideas for the future, and what steps they are taking to be ready for this future.
The Conference will be hosted on four consecutive Wednesdays in August and September, from 9 a.m. Eastern U.S. time / 3 p.m. Central European time, to 12 p.m. Eastern U.S. time / 6 p.m. Central European time:
Day 1 - Wednesday 19 August - Policy session
There will be a review of the policy actions being taken in the states of the United States and the countries of Europe. How the goals of decarbonization will affect the liquid fuels industry? How other aspects of the industry from the producers of fuels to users of fuels will respond? Additionally, the visions for industries in both countries will be reviewed.
Day 2 - Wednesday 26 August - Regulatory session
This conference will focus on actions in the respective zones to respond to carbon reduction activities. The view that electricity is the solution to everything and how to subsidize conversions to heat pumps, to tax schemes to reward or punish energy based on its carbon intensity, and incentives for improvements will be examined.
Day 3 - Wednesday 2 September - Technical session on fuels
Focus on the technical changes empowering the heating fuels industry to move forward. Discussions of Biodiesel (FAME) and renewable diesel (hydrogenated vegetable oil) will examine supply and which fuel will likely be the most predominant fuel of the future as well as technical issues associated with the fuels. The session will also explore the exotic fuels of the future, liquid fuels made from cellulose, and from electrolysis.
Day 4 - Wednesday 9 September - Technical session on heating hardware
The wrap up day will focus on the hardware of heating. What are the world’s leading manufacturers doing to ensure that liquid fuel heating equipment will participate in that future. Will we see integrated solar heating fuels systems, or liquid powered heat pumps? The day will conclude with the issuance of a multi-year study from NORA, showing how important accelerating the turnover of equipment is to reducing carbon emissions.

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Any question? Contact us on info@eurofuel.eu