Report of the NORA/Eurofuel event 2020 - Day 4

The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) and the European Heating Oil Association (Eurofuel) hosted in August and September 2020 a virtual conference on liquid heating fuels in a carbon constrained world. 

The full programme is available here.

Day 4

Day 4 - Technical Session: Appliances

A focus on the hardware of heating. What are the potential design and regulatory limits of using fuels? And more importantly, what are the world’s leading manufacturers doing to ensure that liquid fuel heating equipment will participate in that future? Will we see integrated solar heating fuels systems or liquid powered heat pumps? The day will conclude with the issuance of a multi-year study from NORA evaluating efficiency gains from the replacement of older equipment with high performing new equipment in homes in the United States. The study will show how important accelerating the turnover of equipment is to reducing carbon emissions

Day 4: Welcome by John Huber, President of NORA, and Moritz Bellingen, President of Eurofuel

Oilheating in the US & equipment response

Dr. Thomas A. Butcher, NORA Mario Bouchard, OMA, Granby Industries Alan Chmiel, R.W. Beckett Corp. Jim Jones, Carlin Combustion Technology

Butcher - Big benefits from modernizing home heating equipment

Sabbati - Heating Equipment in Europe: Standards, Innovation & Replacement Cycles

Heating Equipment in Europe: Discussion

Guido Saenen, Riello Federica Sabati, EHI Jerome Lamey, Suntec Dr. Norbert Azuma-Dicke, Viessmann Group Raphael Lang, Bosch Buderus Giuliano Conticini, Ariston Thermo Group

Marran - Domestic Heating and Hot Water in the U.S.: Game Changers

Halper - Integrating Heating Equipment: Solar & Liquid Fuels Working Together

Köb - EU Field tests

Wrap up Day 4