Eurofuel's take-aways from ISH2023
Eurofuel participated to ISH, the world's leading trade fair for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Let's see what happened!
The world's leading trade fair for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (ISH) took place in Frankfurt between 13 and 17 March 2023.
After a four-year break due to the pandemic, ISH reported 153,734 visitors from 154 countries, who seized the opportunity to find out about the status quo and the future of the heating transition in the building sector and sustainable water supply.
2,025 exhibitors from 54 countries occupied the entire Frankfurt exhibition grounds and showed the latest developments for the heating market, air-conditioning and ventilation technology, intelligent home and building automation as well as modern and sustainable bathroom design and innovative installation technology.
Eurofuel President Dr. Moritz Bellingen and Secretary General Sandrine Devos, were more than happy to participate but also to welcome NORA President Michael Devine and Technical Director Dr. Tom Butcher. NORA is the National Oilheat Research Alliance in the USA.
It was an opportunity for Eurofuel and NORA colleagues to visit some of Eurofuel’s sustaining members: Ariston Thermo Group, Delavan, Fida and Suntec (see their video of ISH). Many visitors kept them busy over the course of the week, demonstrating the continued interest and trust in the combustion technologies.
It was also an opportunity to meet and exchange with several boiler manufacturers: Buderus, Viessmann and Weishaupt. The exchanges were rich and included discussions about hybrid heating systems which are gaining momentum, judging by the ISH stands. Their appeal should be growing in the coming years.
Eurofuel was especially pleased to see so many “Green fuels ready labels” – the label developed by the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH). These labels show the compatibility between the boilers and low carbon and renewable liquid fuels, demonstrating a future-proof technology.
In addition to the exhibition and the unvaluable networking, ISH is also the place to be to attend topical events:
On 13 March, Moritz Bellingen participated in the panel discussion organised by BDH on “Green molecules in the heating sector - indispensable pillar of the heat transition?” He highlighted that we need all the options to reach the climate targets. Eurofuel has been running several field tests, in cooperation with boiler manufacturers, demonstrating the compatibility between boilers and renewable liquid fuels.
On 15 March, EHI, the European Heating Industry, had organised in partnership with BDH, an event on the "Energy transition of Buildings in Europe", with the participation of Stefan Moser, Head of Unit of DG ENERGY - European Commission. The event focused on the already existing solutions and technologies to achieve the climate and energy targets.
BDH also had that same day an event on "REPowerEU and Green Deal with heating high-tech and CO2-free energy sources". Dr. Uta Weiß (Mittelständische Energiewirtschaft Deutschland, MEW) emphasised the role of liquid fuels in heating and the need for policies to be both ambitious and pragmatic.
30 March 2023