Eurofuel 2050 Roadmap: the contribution of liquid fuels to the decarbonisation of heating
Through this roadmap, Eurofuel and its members set the path towards an inclusive decarbonised heating, sustainable for rural and off-grid areas.
Heating and cooling account for almost half of the EU ’s energy consumption and for a significant share of carbon emissions. Decarbonising the sector is key for achieving EU’s climate objectives.
While technology choice is important for all households, it is especially important to provide solutions for all, including for those located in rural, off-grid areas. This is where the benefits of liquid fuels are maximised.
The sector is committed to ensuring that liquid heating fuel users can maintain comfortable heating at an affordable cost, while also decreasing CO2 emissions. This pragmatic approach focuses on energy efficiency and the progressive inclusion of low carbon and renewable liquid fuels.
This Roadmap describes how liquid fuels can help in reducing the emissions to 55% by 2030 and to 100% by 2050.