Study: Production of GHG-reduced liquid fuels
A study presented to EU policy-makers assesses the technical possibilities, climate impact and costs of innovative liquid fuels which may progressively supply Europe’s 20 million homes heated with oil
The study, carried out by scientists from the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology in Germany, assesses the technical feasibility, capacities and impact of using different sources of low-carbon liquid fuels as a complement or a substitute to mineral oil. The investigation covers conventional bioenergy, a wide range of advanced biofuels and synthetic processes such as “Biomass-to-Liquid” or “Power-to-Liquid”, involving biomass, hydrogen and carbon captured from the atmosphere or produced by algae.
The study was presented at a policy debate organised by Eurofuel in Brussels on 26 September 2017, in presence of representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and other important stakeholders.
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