Liquid fuels and other energy sources in heating

003 Heating by Energy 2019 web

003 Heating by Energy Tabelle 2019 web

004 Heating oil sales Million tonnes 2000 2019 web

004 Heating oil sales Million tonnes 2000 2019 Tabelle web

005 Oil boilers in the market 2019 web

005 Oil boilers in the market 2019 Tabelle web




Heating by energy

Eurostat - Share of fuels in the final energy consumption in the residential sector


Heating oil sales

Eurostat - Final energy consumption households, industry sector, agriculture and forestry, commercial and public services

Avenergy Suisse


Oil boilers in the market

European Heating Industry (EHI), Heating Market Report 2023

Avenergy Suisse


Federica Miano
Secretary General

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B-1000 Brussels

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