Study: Status and perspectives of liquid energy sources in the energy transition
A new study demonstrates the importance of e-fuels in a low-carbon economy
An important study by renowned German research centres, now also available in English, looks at the status and perspectives of liquid energy sources in the energy transition. It shows that new liquid energy sources such as Power-to-Liquid (PtL) will be indispensable to achieve an ambitious reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across economic sectors. The study also stresses that liquid energy sources with PtL "can be price-competitive compared to electricity-based solutions".
In Germany, an overall PtL demand of up to 2,000 PJ could be revealed. Due to the use of existing infrastructure, scenarios with high PtL levels would require lower investments.
The study also looks at possible courses of action to facilitate the deployment of PtL technology.
The German study was released in May 2018 by Prognos AG, the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT and the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum DBFZ, on behalf of four German liquid fuel sectoral associations. An English version has just been made available.
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