Eurofuel's view on future policy

In the context of future policy discussions on energy supply and energy efficiency, Eurofuel would like to encourage the European Institutions to:

  • Emphasize that the most effective way of enhancing energy end-use efficiency is to promote the availability to the consumer of highly efficient appliances (e.g. heating equipment), as well as their professional maintenance.
  • Encourage the development of a combination of renewable energy sources with liquid heating fuels in parallel to the development of improved energy-efficient heating oil systems.
  • Ensure equal treatment of all energy sources, and a level playing field in the context of energy efficiency regulations.
  • Focus on improved standards for energy efficiency in products. Stringent energy efficiency standards for appliances should be set up through voluntary agreements.
  • Focus on development and use of heating fuels producing less Greenhouse Gases, taking into account the entire life cycle.
  • Consider launching information campaigns on energy savings targeted to end-use customers coordinated by the industry association through branch agreements.

energy transition


Federica Miano
Secretary General

Rue de la Rosée 12
B-1070 Brussels

T +32 (0) 2 893 97 82
M +32 (0) 474 98 15 99