Training and educational support to master the efficient use of energy
The professional installation and the maintenance of a heating system requires a certificate of professional competence. Despite the regulatory and technological changes, an update training course is not obligatory. In 2006, the French association, Alliance Solutions Fioul, in partnership with professional organisations set up the quality label “Qualifioul”, which demonstrates the technical and regulatory knowledge of the professionals, with the focus on increasing the efficiency of heating oil. Alliance Solutions Fioul also is involved, in assisting schools and universities in upgrading their technical education – 130 schools and universities are involved. This involvement is covered by a four years national plan, which includes use of innovative equipment such as hybrid systems.
The quality label “Qualifioul” is certified by an accredited organisation to meet the requirements of “the energy efficiency and the global approach to renovation” training imposed by the French legislation implemented in December 2014. This label allows the professional to be acknowledged by the statutory quality sign “environmental guarantor” (RGE).
Since 2006, in partnership with professional organisations (FFB, CAPEB and FF3C), Alliance Solutions Fioul managed the quality label “Qualifioul”. The label is based on technical training courses in the field of heating oil technologies, building renovation and in nearly zero energy buildings.
It allows the professional to display his qualifications. This not only meets the expectations of the consumer, but also meets the goals of the government’s climate policy. The education not only includes the technical course but also makes available a technical library, energy diagnostic software and an intuitive label for the inspection certificate provided under the European EBPD directive.
Furthermore, the oil heating sector in conjunction with eight boiler manufacturers, launched in 2013 a national renovation program of 130 training schools. Teaching includes the installation of high efficiency oil boilers in combination with renewable energy systems (solar and thermodynamic water heater). This four year program is designed to:
- Improve the technical knowledge in schools and universities giving a better understanding of efficient heating technologies.
- Ensure that the training is right for with the technologies that will be found in the field.
- Show how renewables can be incorporated easily into highly efficient oil hybrid systems.
- 1,500 “Qualifioul” installers are regularly involved in these courses.
- Of these 70% have qualified to use the “environmental guarantor” (RGE) whilst the national rate of installers with this qualification is less than 30%.
Schols and Universities: To bring new technical developments into these institutions.
Target: 130 training schools between 2013 and 2016 providing training in the best available oil technologies (e.g: condensing boiler, hybrid system, and low NOx burners).
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United Kingdom & Ireland
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